Sea Island Floral Co.
Dozen Pink Roses
Dozen Pink Roses
Pink roses are the perfect way to show your affection to someone special in your life! Light pink roses represent gratitude and appreciation, so they can be gifted as a romantic symbol, or as a symbol of friendship and joy.
Available as an arrangement (in a vase) only. We take the time to thoughtfully arrange the roses and greenery in a vase for you so it's ready to be handed to your loved one as soon as you walk through the door!
Pick up or delivery available.
Red roses are also available here!
*Pre Orders will be accepted until the end of the day on Tuesday, February 11th. After this, please call (843)200-4113 for availability.
*FREE Pick Up: 10am - 6pm on Friday, Feb. 14th at 113 Jungle Rd, Edisto Beach, SC.
*Delivery: if you would like the flowers delivered to your special someone, a $10 delivery charge will be added at checkout. Delivery is limited to the 29438 zip code only.
Please select February 14th at the "Select Delivery Date" box at checkout even if you're picking up your order. Can't wait to see you there!
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